On December 21, 2014, Mom & I drove 4½ hours up to Garmisch, Germany from Vicenza, Italy. We went to the Christmas market where I got hot spiced mulled wine (also called glühwein), a hat, & a scarf. Then we went on a 55-minute train-ride to Tirol that was free with our hotel stay at Hilleprandt (buses & other attractions were free/discounted with our stay as well).
Note to Ariel Viewers: Most everything in Southern Germany is closed on Sunday so be prepared to not do anything on Sundays other than church if you're into seeing a German service.
However, the train ride was nice. The landscape is beautiful: the mountains, trees, animals... It was breathtaking. In Tirol, we ate at the only café open & everyone in the café smoked, which drove us crazy, but we dealt with it. We ate two hotdogs, which were delicious & then a drunken old German man tried to strike up a conversation with us, but completely forgot how to speak English & gave up. We then ate dinner at Hofbräustüberl back in Garmisch & it was super good. Then we went back to our hotel, passed out at 20:00, & woke up at 08:30.
Mom & I both slept horribly despite the long time laying in bed; the beds were rock solid & very hard to sleep in considering Mom & I love our memory foam/Temperpedic type mattresses. After our free breakfast at the hotel, we drove to Mittenwald, which is a town near Garmisch. In Mittenwald, we saw awesome little shops, ate a great lunch, went inside St. Peter und Paul Mittenald Church, & I bought a nice leather backpack & wallet.
We drove back to Italy on December 23. I would definitely recommend going to Germany, especially Garmisch & Mittenwald. They are very small, cute, & quaint towns; the people are super nice, & the gypsy population is low, which means theft is low.
Until next time 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
"Wandering Ariel"
As many of you know, I am a travel addict; travel is my passion. Thus I have stumbled upon a blog dedicated to a life of travel written by Earl (Derek is his first name; Earl is his middle name), a man who has been traveling for the past 12 years. Here is the link to his blog, "Wandering Earl,"if you wish to check it out: http://www.wanderingearl.com/.
Earl delves into the hardships he’s faced in his 5,391 days of travel, what supplies he’s brought with him, & what are the perfect things to pack whilst traveling.
He also explains how he’s managed to visit 88 countries while only leaving home with $1500.
For me, money isn’t what is going to make me happy & I realize that more & more as the days go by. I’m not going to be happy in a fancy high-class job; I want to travel. I realize that this plan is not the societal norm, but whoever said I was normal? Moreover, I can still gain the experience I need by teaching English, working on a cruise ship, or working for temp agencies (all things that Earl has done). I could also create the business that I’ve been heavily thinking about, which can be run virtually anywhere.
So rather than having the mentality of gaining work experience & fulfilling my dreams later, why not fulfill my dreams now (or a year or so from now since Jason’s moving to the US)? I refuse to be another unhappy statistic working a job for the rest of my life that I work just to make a paycheck. I would be working to travel anyway so why not do temporary work in between travel? What do you think? Have the societal norms made you believe that you need to put your dreams on hold?
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
He also explains how he’s managed to visit 88 countries while only leaving home with $1500.
For me, money isn’t what is going to make me happy & I realize that more & more as the days go by. I’m not going to be happy in a fancy high-class job; I want to travel. I realize that this plan is not the societal norm, but whoever said I was normal? Moreover, I can still gain the experience I need by teaching English, working on a cruise ship, or working for temp agencies (all things that Earl has done). I could also create the business that I’ve been heavily thinking about, which can be run virtually anywhere.
So rather than having the mentality of gaining work experience & fulfilling my dreams later, why not fulfill my dreams now (or a year or so from now since Jason’s moving to the US)? I refuse to be another unhappy statistic working a job for the rest of my life that I work just to make a paycheck. I would be working to travel anyway so why not do temporary work in between travel? What do you think? Have the societal norms made you believe that you need to put your dreams on hold?
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Keep calm and start a new life
I’m only 22-years-old & have already been working for 8 years. I’ve babysat & bussed tables; I’ve worked at a carwash, chiropractor, Brookstone, NY1, AmeriCorps, the US Army (volunteer), & am currently working in nonprofit. From these experiences I have come to the conclusion that I do not like working for people. Obviously, I don’t have enough experience to ‘make it big’ right out of the college gate & I plan to gain experience in what I intend to do (whatever that is), but there has to be a better way to tackle this. I have a potential startup business plan that enables me to work from anywhere in the world & work with people across the globe. Although I don’t like working for people, I do like working with people on the customer service & sales end of the business. I need something that is fulfilling & helps people but still allows me the flexibility to travel & see my boyfriend, friends, & family who are across the globe. Who knows, maybe I can incorporate writing into what I’m doing somehow.
The nice thing about it all is that I’m with someone who enjoys traveling & staying active as much as I do (& basically has the same interests, ideas, & thoughts as I do too!) We have even discussed teaching English abroad so now our life options have become even broader! I feel like life is so much more exciting now that I am dating someone that likes to seize life & get as much as he can out it just as I do. I am very fortunate to have so many options, but it opens a door to a whole mess of confusing, but stimulating decisions. Who knows, maybe I can teach English while carrying out my business idea… I’m driving myself crazy as usual with my high-anxiety self, but what keeps me grounded is knowing I have Jason to lean on as well as my friends who have helped me sort out my mess of thoughts & ideas, which they are also going through.
So as of now, my ideas for my future are as follows, but not limited to these:
1. Teach English abroad.
2. Get my real estate license.
3. Start a business I am passionate about.
4. Live in another country (should I live in Spain again? What an amazing experience that was).
5. Save up money from now until Jason’s US visa expires to have a bit of cushion before leaving the country.
6. Potentially get my MBA in 3 years or so.
There is so much to do & so little time.
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
The nice thing about it all is that I’m with someone who enjoys traveling & staying active as much as I do (& basically has the same interests, ideas, & thoughts as I do too!) We have even discussed teaching English abroad so now our life options have become even broader! I feel like life is so much more exciting now that I am dating someone that likes to seize life & get as much as he can out it just as I do. I am very fortunate to have so many options, but it opens a door to a whole mess of confusing, but stimulating decisions. Who knows, maybe I can teach English while carrying out my business idea… I’m driving myself crazy as usual with my high-anxiety self, but what keeps me grounded is knowing I have Jason to lean on as well as my friends who have helped me sort out my mess of thoughts & ideas, which they are also going through.
So as of now, my ideas for my future are as follows, but not limited to these:
1. Teach English abroad.
2. Get my real estate license.
3. Start a business I am passionate about.
4. Live in another country (should I live in Spain again? What an amazing experience that was).
5. Save up money from now until Jason’s US visa expires to have a bit of cushion before leaving the country.
6. Potentially get my MBA in 3 years or so.
There is so much to do & so little time.
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
Friday, October 24, 2014
Feminism vs. Misogyny
Many people, men, & women, laugh at the word feminism. They laugh because they believe feminists are trying to turn our world into a matriarchy instead of patriarchy, but all feminists want is equally political, social, & economic equality to men. However, I feel like the more people stand up for women’s rights, the more people try to take women’s right away.
Here are just a handful of the many ignorant people (in my opinion) that are against women. & do not think that all Republicans think this way just because all these quotes are said by Republicans & not Democrats; Republicans just seem to be more vocal about their misogynistic views:
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
“Rape is kinda like the weather. If it’s inevitable, relax & enjoy it.” –Clayton Williams (R-TX)
“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” –Todd Akin (R-MO).
“Rape victims should make the best of a bad situation.” –Rick Santorum (R-PA)
“Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape it is something that God intended to happen.” – Richard Mourdock (R-IN)
“In the emergency room they have what’s called rape kits, where a woman can get cleaned out.” – Jodie Labenberg (R-TX)
“If a woman has [the right to an abortion], why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman? At least the rapist’s pursuit of sexual free doesn’t [in most cases] result in anyone’s death.” – Lawrence Lockman (R-ME).These individuals that are spread across the United States & have these [twisted] views are twisting the views of the impressionable & uninformed public. Unfortunately, Colorado seems to have a whole mess of politicians that are trying to pass Amendment 67 furthering twisted beliefs & the hatred of women in America. If Amendment 67 were to pass in Colorado, abortions would be outlawed even in cases of rape & incest; there would be bans on birth control; cancer treatments would not be available to pregnant women killing the mother & unborn fetus rather than saving the mother’s life; any birth that isn’t a live-birth may be considered a suspicious death. Way to set us back 50 years, Colorado. At least you have great skiing & delicious & legalized weed.
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Get educated to be in everlasting debt
It is instilled in most of our heads that higher education is one of the only ways to get ahead in life, to make more money, & to get a better career, but is it really worth it? Students leave college with sometimes $100,000 of debt or more & they end up paying it off for the rest of their lives on top of the accruing interest. So many people these days have degrees & it makes it difficult to stand out in the crowd to get chosen for a good position & ultimately graduates are left taking jobs that pay $10-$15/hour until they gain years of experience. How can people reasonably live on that & still pay off their loans? Many graduates live at home to save, pay off loans, & figure out their lives & it is truly unfair on both the parents & the graduates (even if your parents are like mine who would let you live at home forever).
A degree does not guarantee a job; it just gives people a leg up to be noticed, but now to get noticed, seen, & heard, one either needs a masters, which requires even more money, or experience, which is nearly impossible to have being a young & recent grad. Phil N. said, “Can you make it without one? Yes, but you need to work your tail end off. Can you make it with one? Yes, but you need to work your tail end off to pay for it. Either way, the work has to be put in for the lifestyle that you want. It’s almost a personal preference. I personally think I need it because the lifestyle I'm destined to lead requires it, but I also know that for a solid part of my life I'll be paying back loans- everything has its cost. By no means do I think it's fair, but I can’t argue with the system currently.”
Basically, in order to get the life I want, I need to pay huge amounts for it as an American. Why is our economy set up to get young people in debt from the get-go? Countries like Spain have close to free education & graduate with almost no debt. Yes, Spain has many economical issues, but at least their graduates have a chance to succeed. However, there are people like my older brother who is doing incredibly well for himself without a degree. He has a nice home in Texas, a nice car, & he & my sister-in-law comfortably support my adorable niece & nephew &can still take vacations. So many paths, so many choices & ways to be successful in life. It's all up to you & choosing a way that works for the life you wish to live.
If I were to give any advice as a recent grad, I would say to get your associate's degree at your neighborhood community college. This is what I should have done & regret not going to community college before Pace University. Once you have an associate's degree & try to transfer to a 4-year, you may have to take some of the University's mandatory classes, but most if not all of the prerequisite courses will transfer. It is a huge savings & I recommend everyone do this rather than going to a four-year school from the start. Not only do I push education, but I push getting it the smart way, not the expensive way. What do you all think? How was your financial experience in & after college?
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
A degree does not guarantee a job; it just gives people a leg up to be noticed, but now to get noticed, seen, & heard, one either needs a masters, which requires even more money, or experience, which is nearly impossible to have being a young & recent grad. Phil N. said, “Can you make it without one? Yes, but you need to work your tail end off. Can you make it with one? Yes, but you need to work your tail end off to pay for it. Either way, the work has to be put in for the lifestyle that you want. It’s almost a personal preference. I personally think I need it because the lifestyle I'm destined to lead requires it, but I also know that for a solid part of my life I'll be paying back loans- everything has its cost. By no means do I think it's fair, but I can’t argue with the system currently.”
Basically, in order to get the life I want, I need to pay huge amounts for it as an American. Why is our economy set up to get young people in debt from the get-go? Countries like Spain have close to free education & graduate with almost no debt. Yes, Spain has many economical issues, but at least their graduates have a chance to succeed. However, there are people like my older brother who is doing incredibly well for himself without a degree. He has a nice home in Texas, a nice car, & he & my sister-in-law comfortably support my adorable niece & nephew &can still take vacations. So many paths, so many choices & ways to be successful in life. It's all up to you & choosing a way that works for the life you wish to live.
If I were to give any advice as a recent grad, I would say to get your associate's degree at your neighborhood community college. This is what I should have done & regret not going to community college before Pace University. Once you have an associate's degree & try to transfer to a 4-year, you may have to take some of the University's mandatory classes, but most if not all of the prerequisite courses will transfer. It is a huge savings & I recommend everyone do this rather than going to a four-year school from the start. Not only do I push education, but I push getting it the smart way, not the expensive way. What do you all think? How was your financial experience in & after college?
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
Friday, September 12, 2014
Terrorism comes in many forms
I posted a video on my “Ariel View” Facebook page & asked what people thought; I was pleasantly overwhelmed with the diverse response that I received.
The clip was about how terrorism comes in all forms. When Americans think of terrorism, we think of the Taliban & other extremists that have harmed our nation.
What we don’t tend to think about is how people perceive America. Our nation’s military has destroyed nations & killed thousands of innocent people. Are Americans the definition of “terrorists” too? Yes, Americans fight for our nation's people while the Taliban terrorizes its people, but Americans are still killing innocent people in other countries; there has to be a better way to resolves conflicts other than blowing people's heads off.
Not only that, but the CIA has funded extremist groups by supplying them with weapons like supplying the matches for the fire.
In the Facebook comments, it was also mentioned how this is staged propaganda. This clip is from a movie that disputes the normal belief that people in Afghanistan are bad, evil, & corrupt. In almost every nation, there is some level of these negative traits. We can’t assume that all people in the nation are bad people & we can’t fully believe that our nation is so fantastic when we are also killing innocent people.
There is no excuse for killing innocent children in these countries overseas. Killing 1000 to catch the very few that are guilty is not worth it to me. I think the first step to rid of these murders is to stop supplying weapons to these countries.
It’s becoming more of a trend to put money before human lives & greed should not be a trend.
Check out the clip from Kurbaan & let me know what you think
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
The clip was about how terrorism comes in all forms. When Americans think of terrorism, we think of the Taliban & other extremists that have harmed our nation.
What we don’t tend to think about is how people perceive America. Our nation’s military has destroyed nations & killed thousands of innocent people. Are Americans the definition of “terrorists” too? Yes, Americans fight for our nation's people while the Taliban terrorizes its people, but Americans are still killing innocent people in other countries; there has to be a better way to resolves conflicts other than blowing people's heads off.
Not only that, but the CIA has funded extremist groups by supplying them with weapons like supplying the matches for the fire.
In the Facebook comments, it was also mentioned how this is staged propaganda. This clip is from a movie that disputes the normal belief that people in Afghanistan are bad, evil, & corrupt. In almost every nation, there is some level of these negative traits. We can’t assume that all people in the nation are bad people & we can’t fully believe that our nation is so fantastic when we are also killing innocent people.
There is no excuse for killing innocent children in these countries overseas. Killing 1000 to catch the very few that are guilty is not worth it to me. I think the first step to rid of these murders is to stop supplying weapons to these countries.
It’s becoming more of a trend to put money before human lives & greed should not be a trend.
Check out the clip from Kurbaan & let me know what you think
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
Thursday, July 10, 2014
The hunt...Job hunt that is
I know... I have greatly slacked with my blog, but I have a good reason!
I have FINALLY completed college as of May 21st (you may applaud & cheer now) & I have been working as a temporary employee for a nonprofit organization for developmental disabilities. It has been great to make money while looking for the job that I really want, but looking for jobs is not easy.
Since my last semester of college up until now, I have applied to at least 300, & I am probably underestimating. Regardless of some of the requirements, I still apply. What do I have to lose? What really gets me is the term "entry-level." Entry-level to me means that you are at the lowest level in a company because you are a beginner, lack experience, & are learning from the ground up. So the question I have is why are many of these entry-level jobs requiring 5 or more years of work experience? This makes absolutely no sense to me.
My generation tends to be labeled as lazy, but I think we have it much harder than previous generations. Parents are telling us to stay home as long as we can because without credit, you can't get credit, which means it is very hard to rent (or buy) a place on your own. Then we try to apply for a job & they want experience, which we don't have being recent graduates. It's a vicious cycle in our society that makes living independently a struggle for young people.
So that is what I have been dealing with lately. I've gone on several interviews (I interviewed at the New York Times yesterday [fingers crossed!]) so hopefully, I land one that I really want. How is the job search coming or how was it for all of you?
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
I have FINALLY completed college as of May 21st (you may applaud & cheer now) & I have been working as a temporary employee for a nonprofit organization for developmental disabilities. It has been great to make money while looking for the job that I really want, but looking for jobs is not easy.
Since my last semester of college up until now, I have applied to at least 300, & I am probably underestimating. Regardless of some of the requirements, I still apply. What do I have to lose? What really gets me is the term "entry-level." Entry-level to me means that you are at the lowest level in a company because you are a beginner, lack experience, & are learning from the ground up. So the question I have is why are many of these entry-level jobs requiring 5 or more years of work experience? This makes absolutely no sense to me.
My generation tends to be labeled as lazy, but I think we have it much harder than previous generations. Parents are telling us to stay home as long as we can because without credit, you can't get credit, which means it is very hard to rent (or buy) a place on your own. Then we try to apply for a job & they want experience, which we don't have being recent graduates. It's a vicious cycle in our society that makes living independently a struggle for young people.
So that is what I have been dealing with lately. I've gone on several interviews (I interviewed at the New York Times yesterday [fingers crossed!]) so hopefully, I land one that I really want. How is the job search coming or how was it for all of you?
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Bows, dresses, & prettiness
It really grinds my gears how most people are out to impress each other. "Dress to impress" as we are always told when meeting new people, especially in the professional realm. You know what I think about that? I think it stinks! I certainly think people should be groomed & hygienic, but why should I be something that I am not?
I bring this up because as some of you know, I am graduating May 21st of this year. That day I have to look presentable when I go on stage to accept my diploma. Fine, it's a big day & I will spend even more money on top of the tuition I just paid for four years on a fancy dress (still digging in my closet to see if I can find something acceptable to re-wear).
Then a couple of days later I have a wedding for one of my dear cousins. There is the wedding, which I have to dress up for, & then the reception, which I have to wear yet another set of clothes. I can't wear the same clothes as graduation for one of those occasions because the same people will be at the wedding that is at the graduation & I can't wear the same clothes for the reception as the wedding because the same people from that day need to see me in something different to judge another outfit that I have. Even during family gatherings, we have to impress to show that we are doing well to the family we do not see often.
Society has told us that we need to be something that we are not & as a result, we spend all of our money on clothes, makeup, shoes, & accessories that we really don't need. I would love to wear a nice comfortable dress with a nice black pair of flats (which I am going to wear anyway because I despise heels) & just be myself & enjoy the time with my family & friends like I am supposed to do. I am tired of conforming & hearing everyone's comments about how I don't conform. I do my eyebrows the way I want to, I go to the gym when I want to, I paint my nails...never, I don't wear much makeup & I don't carry around those ridiculously huge handbags (what do people need to carry in those big things anyway?) I am me & if you have a problem with that, then maybe you just have a problem with yourself.
Rant over.
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
I bring this up because as some of you know, I am graduating May 21st of this year. That day I have to look presentable when I go on stage to accept my diploma. Fine, it's a big day & I will spend even more money on top of the tuition I just paid for four years on a fancy dress (still digging in my closet to see if I can find something acceptable to re-wear).
Then a couple of days later I have a wedding for one of my dear cousins. There is the wedding, which I have to dress up for, & then the reception, which I have to wear yet another set of clothes. I can't wear the same clothes as graduation for one of those occasions because the same people will be at the wedding that is at the graduation & I can't wear the same clothes for the reception as the wedding because the same people from that day need to see me in something different to judge another outfit that I have. Even during family gatherings, we have to impress to show that we are doing well to the family we do not see often.
Society has told us that we need to be something that we are not & as a result, we spend all of our money on clothes, makeup, shoes, & accessories that we really don't need. I would love to wear a nice comfortable dress with a nice black pair of flats (which I am going to wear anyway because I despise heels) & just be myself & enjoy the time with my family & friends like I am supposed to do. I am tired of conforming & hearing everyone's comments about how I don't conform. I do my eyebrows the way I want to, I go to the gym when I want to, I paint my nails...never, I don't wear much makeup & I don't carry around those ridiculously huge handbags (what do people need to carry in those big things anyway?) I am me & if you have a problem with that, then maybe you just have a problem with yourself.
Rant over.
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Free Education in Prison & Where on Earth our Taxes are Going
“Prison education is a means of rehabilitating & re-directing. If you release someone with the same skills with which she came in, she’s going to get involved in the same activities as she did before.” – Marymount Bedford Hills Program student.
According to the Prison Studies Project, there have been studies conducted over the last two decades that have confirmed that the higher the education level in prison programs, the crime rate ultimately reduces saving the taxpayers money. However, taking into consideration that less than 5% of American’s taxes are going toward prisons does not make this situation any better.
From what I have researched, I do think that prisoners who are not serving a life sentence & are not mentally ill should be educated to high school level for education is an important step for people to grow. However, I do not think that it is fair that hardworking Americans with clean records & are earning a living for themselves are spending thousands of dollars on college educations when people who have done wrong are getting a college education for free.
The government justifies their spending by telling us where our money is going (see photo from www.cbpp.org). Even so, many citizens do not see results. 22% of our taxes go toward social security… Oh, I’m sorry, I am pretty sure that I have heard that social security will be nonexistent by the time I need it so what am I paying for? Also, why are only 2% of our taxes going toward education? That seems insanely low to me.
Here is what our taxes should be paying for:
1. High school education for prisoners (ones without life sentences)
2. Defense & international security assistance
3. Healthcare for EVERYONE (which should include medical & scientific research since it betters life for humans)
4. Free education
5. International affairs
6. Fixing of roadways, transportation routes, etc.
7. Financial support for the elderly & disabled I may be missing some here, but these are the 7 that I think are the most important. I don’t understand what is so difficult about changing the system to better the people. Our system is so backward that we make it a struggle for working-class people to get a higher education, but our criminals are getting it for free. If we had the American money-hungry mentality with Europe’s healthcare & education system, we would be unstoppable. We need a change & we need it now before our economy collapses as a whole. We’ve already gone through one recent government shutdown; let’s try to prevent another.
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
According to the Prison Studies Project, there have been studies conducted over the last two decades that have confirmed that the higher the education level in prison programs, the crime rate ultimately reduces saving the taxpayers money. However, taking into consideration that less than 5% of American’s taxes are going toward prisons does not make this situation any better.
From what I have researched, I do think that prisoners who are not serving a life sentence & are not mentally ill should be educated to high school level for education is an important step for people to grow. However, I do not think that it is fair that hardworking Americans with clean records & are earning a living for themselves are spending thousands of dollars on college educations when people who have done wrong are getting a college education for free.
The government justifies their spending by telling us where our money is going (see photo from www.cbpp.org). Even so, many citizens do not see results. 22% of our taxes go toward social security… Oh, I’m sorry, I am pretty sure that I have heard that social security will be nonexistent by the time I need it so what am I paying for? Also, why are only 2% of our taxes going toward education? That seems insanely low to me.
Here is what our taxes should be paying for:
1. High school education for prisoners (ones without life sentences)
2. Defense & international security assistance
3. Healthcare for EVERYONE (which should include medical & scientific research since it betters life for humans)
4. Free education
5. International affairs
6. Fixing of roadways, transportation routes, etc.
7. Financial support for the elderly & disabled I may be missing some here, but these are the 7 that I think are the most important. I don’t understand what is so difficult about changing the system to better the people. Our system is so backward that we make it a struggle for working-class people to get a higher education, but our criminals are getting it for free. If we had the American money-hungry mentality with Europe’s healthcare & education system, we would be unstoppable. We need a change & we need it now before our economy collapses as a whole. We’ve already gone through one recent government shutdown; let’s try to prevent another.
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Guilty until proven innocent
Yesterday at about 10pm or so, I was with 2 of my friends: a Pakistani male & an Italian female. We walked around a long time looking for a place to eat, but most places were closed due to the time & the fact that it was in downtown Manhattan. The 3 of us cut through a parking lot to check out another place & alas, TJ’s Bar & Restaurant was open. On our way through the parking lot, I smelt a strong stench of weed, but didn’t think much of it. 2 of us went inside the restaurant while my male friend stayed outside to talk to his mother on the phone.
I was getting annoyed because my friend was taking way too long. He then motioned us to come outside where two cops were standing. The 2 cops stood there with looks of accusation & tones of intimidation. “Were you smoking weed out here?” They asked what we were doing crossing through the parking lot & that we were the only people they saw outside where the smell was. At the time I was in my gym clothes, had no pockets to keep any substance in, & none of us looked high & were not acting disorderly. Before we got outside, my male friend told the officers to search for him & they did. When I got outside, told them my story, & told them to search me, they declined to conduct the search (I assume because they were male & I am female & they would have had to call a female officer). I told them to test me (not knowing there wasn’t such a test), & they said there was nothing to test me with. I thought to myself, Why am I standing out here in the cold if you have no proof & no way to get answers other than he said/she said? I was shaken & furious. Why on Earth would they assume that we did it? The odor from substances lingers so it could have been anyone. Was it because my male friend is brown? Is it because we were 3 young college students & it is assumed that many smoke weed? Nevertheless, the more I talked to the officers defending myself, I think they realized that I know nothing about weed (because I do not smoke) & they let us go back into the restaurant.
You would think in New York (especially New York City), a supposed liberal state, that marijuana would be legal. Although I do not smoke, I support the legalization of marijuana & people who use it as long as one does not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence. If marijuana is decriminalized, the economy would be in better financial standings & there would be less “crime.”
Furthermore, if you smell weed or are in the presence of anything illegal in NY, go as far away from it as possible for you will be treated as a criminal if found near the scene. Most officers are hired to fulfill quotas & make money for the city; helping citizens doesn’t make money for the city, so why should they? The more illegal activity they find, the more money the officers make. Therefore, it is in their best interest to interrogate as many innocent people as they can until they find a guilty one.
I’m am still flabbergasted & wish our society was different, but in today’s society, we have to hide from our law enforcement rather than reach out to them for help & support. Our society is a sad reality & Europe is looking better & better.
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
I was getting annoyed because my friend was taking way too long. He then motioned us to come outside where two cops were standing. The 2 cops stood there with looks of accusation & tones of intimidation. “Were you smoking weed out here?” They asked what we were doing crossing through the parking lot & that we were the only people they saw outside where the smell was. At the time I was in my gym clothes, had no pockets to keep any substance in, & none of us looked high & were not acting disorderly. Before we got outside, my male friend told the officers to search for him & they did. When I got outside, told them my story, & told them to search me, they declined to conduct the search (I assume because they were male & I am female & they would have had to call a female officer). I told them to test me (not knowing there wasn’t such a test), & they said there was nothing to test me with. I thought to myself, Why am I standing out here in the cold if you have no proof & no way to get answers other than he said/she said? I was shaken & furious. Why on Earth would they assume that we did it? The odor from substances lingers so it could have been anyone. Was it because my male friend is brown? Is it because we were 3 young college students & it is assumed that many smoke weed? Nevertheless, the more I talked to the officers defending myself, I think they realized that I know nothing about weed (because I do not smoke) & they let us go back into the restaurant.
You would think in New York (especially New York City), a supposed liberal state, that marijuana would be legal. Although I do not smoke, I support the legalization of marijuana & people who use it as long as one does not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence. If marijuana is decriminalized, the economy would be in better financial standings & there would be less “crime.”
Furthermore, if you smell weed or are in the presence of anything illegal in NY, go as far away from it as possible for you will be treated as a criminal if found near the scene. Most officers are hired to fulfill quotas & make money for the city; helping citizens doesn’t make money for the city, so why should they? The more illegal activity they find, the more money the officers make. Therefore, it is in their best interest to interrogate as many innocent people as they can until they find a guilty one.
I’m am still flabbergasted & wish our society was different, but in today’s society, we have to hide from our law enforcement rather than reach out to them for help & support. Our society is a sad reality & Europe is looking better & better.
Until next time... ciao 💗
Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13
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