My name is Andy, and here on Ariel's View, I will be posting what the title basically is stating. I think a lot, maybe too much if that's possible, I feel that my body is simply a vehicle for my brain. I kind of life up there, like some sort of mental bachelor pad. Well, that's enough about what I think my head is.
I suppose that I'll be posting things I find interesting, so I guess for that matter you should probably know I am interested in, here are a few subjects I think you'll probably find me talking about the most:
- Philosophy (Love it everything about it, I am almost physically attracted to cool new views on things)
- Social Constructs/Human Interaction (Basically sociology, I want to major in it in college so i may even post a few cool studies that I read or essays that I write)
- International relations (I would like to work for the U.N. someday or at least travel abroad. I love learning about cultures and such)
- Art & Poetry (I write a bit of poetry and I just love art so....yea I'll be posting that too)
- Music (There was this one time where I listened to a Wu-Tang Clan CD for 4 months straight. I tend to obsess over one artist or band for months at a time so be borderline "stalker-ish" information may be posted about them. For the record...I am not a stalker)
- General B.S (If I think something is funny or just plain sad or something in between I'll post it, sometimes comedians and rappers make the best philosophers)
Don't worry, I'll try to label every post with a topic like "A Fleeting Thought: Ever Body Poops" so that way you can skip what you don't want to read.
Well, that's enough with the lists I guess, I hope you enjoy my posts and laugh once or twice or maybe even think about something you didn't before. I honestly have no idea what this foray will turn out to be maybe it will be my MAGNUM OPUS.
Oh, yes of course I forgot, I am a HUGE NERD so be prepared for things you may find just ridiculous or crazy or pathetically uninteresting.
Sincerely your future best friend in the whole wide world,
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