Friday, January 28, 2011

A Fleeting Thought: Music-beats for Babies

Lately its been "why do people enjoy this song?"

A question like this never used to bother me before, but all of a sudden sometimes i feel very confused as to why some music is popular. Specifically, the dubstep craze seeming to slowly infect the iPod of every High school in America.

The wording may be strong, but personally, I have no problem with dubstep music. I did a little research *COUGH*(Wikipedia)*COUGH* and dubstep is defined by a few simple musical characteristics.

Basically, Dubstep has 4 ingredients

  1. Syncopation

  2. A drum machine

  3. A wobbly bassline

  4. A DROP

These four things basically make up any Dubstep song. & for the most part its just a fun type of music to listen to. My personal favorite is with the bass all the way up in the car. It evokes this grand feeling of being invincible.....


maybe I'm just a narcissist......

yea.....I'm probably just a narcissist.

ANYWAY! Dubstep is really just feel-good music with not a lot of lyrics & if so, it's just sampled from another song.

Back to my original question. WHY?! is dubstep so popular?

Well, aside from the obvious answer of being fun, I think we have a natal desire for the sounds we hear in Dubstep music. The wobbly basslines resemble the sounds we hear in the womb as a baby. All outside noises become muffled by the amniotic fluid in the womb. Furthermore, when our ears develop one of the first things we hear is the syncopated rhythm of the heartbeat, muffled & transformed again by our mother's amniotic fluid.

The reason one may crave such heavy bass lines & syncopated drops I guess can be the same reason we crave our mom's home cooking or wrap ourselves up in the covers tightly. It's warm & reminds us of home. In this case, we find that dubstep makes people want to be babies again, & if you've ever seen someone try & dance to dubstep, it seems like either they're learning to walk or throwing the world's greatest temper tantrum.

Whether or not you enjoy dubstep is up to you, but realize, that in all music there is an attempt to pluck at your psyche in some way or another. Dubstep just seems to be a little more obvious when they do it.

Until next time... ciao 💗

Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The iPad-A must have for college

It is so great to be out of high school & to be able to use my laptop in class. But even better than using my laptop in class is using my iPad. It's small, portable, & really handy for students. Here are some FREE apps that are a must-have for college students:
  1. The App, which gives you access to over a million words
  2. The Rate My Professor App, which allows students to see what other students think of certain professors
  3. The iBooks app, which gives access to a mass library that could contain many of the books needed for class
  4. The BlackBoard App that enables you to view all of your classes & assignments from the BlackBoard App rather than going to

Check these cool apps out & if you don't have an iPad, I would DEFINITELY recommend it!

Until next time... ciao 💗

Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13

Hey College Students! GO TO SLEEP!

College students are not getting enough sleep, which impacts negatively on their grades & performance in the classroom. Spending nights studying for exams & writing papers, or even staying up too late talking to roommates (I know this bad sleep habit all too well) & watching TV can cause bad sleeping habits. Many students have part-time jobs & busy social lives which makes sleep not as much of a priority. This is a common mistake many college students make, including me. Additionally, I feel that I do not get restful sleep when I do get the chance to sleep. The mattresses that feel like cardboard make it very uncomfortable to sleep. & even though one may put padding down to make it more comfortable like me, it is still a struggle for comfort.

One way of getting better sleep is to exercise but not prior to going to bed. Exercise during the daylight hours for an hour to two hours. Moreover, have a routine bedtime. I know that it is hard to ask taking into account every other day my classes start at 2:30pm & the other days I start at 9:05am.

So overall not only is your GPA most likely going to be higher if you get an average of eight hours of sleep a night, but your health will be better as well. When people say, “You look like crap!” It’s usually a sign they can tell you haven’t been getting good sleep. Bags under the eyes, fatigue, & constantly yawning isn’t attractive. So do yourself a favor & get the rest your body needs to be healthy & active.

Until next time... ciao 💗

Follow me on Instagram: @arielview13